What is the difference between a mixer and an agitator?

What is the difference between a mixer and an agitator?

What is an Agitator in Water Treatment Plant?

The terms “mixer” and “agitator” are often used interchangeably, but there is a subtle difference between the two.

Agitators are designed to create flow and movement in a fluid. They do this by creating a vortex or turbulence, which helps to keep the fluid homogeneous. Agitators are typically used in applications where the goal is to prevent settling or to keep solids suspended in a liquid.

Mixers are designed to combine two or more fluids or ingredients together. They do this by creating shear forces, which break up the individual components and distribute them evenly throughout the mixture. Mixers are typically used in applications where the goal is to create a uniform blend.

In general, agitators are used in applications where the fluids are already mixed, while mixers are used in applications where the fluids need to be mixed together.

Here is a table summarizing the key differences between mixers and agitators :

In some cases, a single device can be used for both mixing and agitation. For example, a propeller mixer can be used to both blend fluids and keep solids suspended in a liquid.

Ultimately, the best way to choose between a mixer and an agitator is to consider the specific needs of your application. contact us for industrial agitator manufacturer India

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